4 Everyday Ingredients That Diminish Belly Fat

June 11th, 2018 3 min read

Last Updated: August 12th, 2018

4 Everyday Ingredients That Diminish Belly Fat

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If you want to burn down and diminish the belly fat around your stomach, you need good advice! Adding these four ingredients to your diet will help you get your stomach into shape much quicker.

Without further ado, the four ingredients that are the best for slimming down your stomach are: pineapple, broccoli, cucumber and celery.

You can blend them into a top-notch detox smoothie. For the smoothie, you’ll need:

  • 1 celery stalk
  • A medium cucumber
  • 1 250 ml cup of chopped parsley
  • 3 rings of fresh pineapple slices

The first thing that you’ll need to do is wash the vegetables and pineapple, remove the rind. Add everything to a blender and blend together until the mixture is homogeneous. Don’t add any ingredients such as salt, black pepper, sugar or sugar alternatives.

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Recommendations for drinking the smoothie

In order to guarantee its benefits, you should drink this pineapple and vegetable smoothie within 15 minutes of preparing it to make sure that it doesn’t lose its properties.

You should aim to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. Make sure to combine the smoothie with exercise and a healthy diet because they’ll ensure results during the first week. You’ll notice a flatter stomach in as soon as six days.

Smoothie’s benefits

You’re probably asking yourself, what makes this drink so powerful and how can it have so many fast-acting benefits? Well, its ingredients are the perfect blend.


Starting off, there’s celery, which is a low-calorie food: 100 gr of celery only has 16 kcal. It’s also a fiber-rich food. Actually, it’s the fiber that adheres to the stomach and helps us feel full. In addition, according to some studies, something as simple as increasing the amount of fiber intake in our diet is one of the most important components that’ll help us lose weight.

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As we saw with the celery, cucumbers also provide us with fiber and have the same nutritional value, which makes it low in calories. Cucumbers are 95% water, which will help you get in the 2 liters of water a day that are recommended** for weight loss.


Continuing on our list, parsley is another healthy food. It boasts plenty of fiber: 3.3 g for every 10 g of parsley.

We should also know that the same amount of cucumber and celery contain 0.5 g and 1.6 g of fiber, respectively. That means that parsley has a gentle, natural diuretic effect.


When it comes to pineapple, 100 g of the fruit contains 1 g of insoluble fiber and 50 kcal. In addition, pineapple makes the smoothie more palatable and it works as a diuretic, which helps eliminate liquids from the body.

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The best time to eat them and other fat-burning options

As we’ve mentioned earlier, this smoothie has the best results on an empty stomach. You should also try to have it once a day, however, this depends on your weight-loss needs. If you want to burn fat, try the following smoothie:


  • Pear
  • Kiwi
  • Pomegrante
  • Orange or lemon juice


Wash all the ingredients, remove all seeds and chop the fruits to add to the blender. Process with water or add orange, or lemon, juice to make an even blend. Pour into a glass and enjoy.

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