Christopher Roberts

Health Blogger / Researcher

Christopher Roberts is a writer for HealthfulInspired. He resides in the El Monte area in Southern California. He is currently employed as a support specialist member in the Informational Technology department at Continental Agency, Inc. When he is not writing, you can usually find Christopher creating development projects or exercising- he is currently exercising 5 days a week from Mondays-Friday with the occasional Sundays every other week. Like many others, he has a history of becoming overweight. After making a weight loss promise in the past with close relatives to lose 10 lbs within a month and succeeded with 10.4 lbs, he has since then felt inspired and motivated to keep himself going, and additionally grasped the desire to get involved in health communities wherever possible.

His hobbies include lifting weights, sight-seeing, hands-on coding development projects, traveling, blogging and reading informational articles. Christopher enjoys to be surrounded by beautiful environments and going on food adventures- his favorite being steak places. He hates the heat but loves the beautiful scenery of sunlight that the sun gleams onto nature, so he has a love-hate relationship going on with the summer every year.

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