9 Awesome Homemade Milkshakes For Weight Loss

June 16th, 2018 5 min read

Last Updated: August 12th, 2018

9 Awesome Homemade Milkshakes For Weight Loss

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I'm sure so many of us are dreaming to be slim---to the point that we starve ourselves. Don't starve yourself. Be smart about your choices. Start by cherishing and pampering yourselves by sipping on these delicious, mouth watering milkshakes where you'll still be able to shred pounds and look more attractive than before!

These shakes not only help get slimmer but at the same time helps to rejuvenate your skin as the milkshake is packed full of essential nutrients and minerals.

These help increase the metabolism which is an essential thing. It also helps you cut down kilos where you start appearing slimmer at the same while pulling out that startling glow on your face. :)

Here are the top 9 unique and tempting milkshakes which help you reduce weight and look younger than ever:

1. Green Protein Milkshake for Weight Loss

Many of you don’t like the taste of spinach but now with other ingredients you can sip and become healthier and slimmer.


  • Cleaned 20 -25 spinach leaves
  • Few pineapple pieces
  • One banana
  • One table spoon of chia seeds and flax meal
  • One cup of unsweetened almond milk
  • Some ice cubes.

Process to Prepare

Take all the ingredients in a blender and churn them until they become smooth. Then add some ice cubes churn again for a while. Pour it in a glass and start sippin.

Read: 8 Health Benefits Of Apples

2. Coconut Milkshake for Weight Loss


  • 1 can low fat light coconut milk
  • 3 scoops of raw rice
  • 1 scoop protein powder of chocolate flavour
  • Some ice cubes
  • 1 tea spoon vanilla extract

Process to Prepare:

The coconut milk should be low fat content which is going to help your metabolism stay quicker, helping you to shred some kilos. Take all the ingredients in a clean blender and churn some for fractions of seconds until all of the ingredients blends togther nicely. Then put some ice cubes in a glass and pour the shake over it. (Note: Add some organic honey to the drink for a nice sweetened taste)

Read: The 11 Best Plants for Weight Loss

3. Berries and Banana Milkshakes for Weight Loss

This contains lots of Vitamin C and antioxidants---which helps stimulate your metabolism.


  • 1 peeled sliced banana
  • Half cup of strawberries
  • Half cup of blueberries
  • Half cup of raspberries
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • Ice cubes

Read: 10 Proven Benefits of Drinking Water for Weight Loss

Process to Prepare:

If you want a thicker / colder milkshake, you can freeze all the ingredients a few hours back or simply refrigerate them according to your choice. Take all of the fruits and blend them well with ice cubes. Enjoy the milkshake.

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4. King of Fruits Milkshake for Weight Loss


  • 8- 10 slices of fresh mango and pineapple
  • 1 cup of any flavoured yogurt or plain one as per your taste
  • 1 table spoon of ground flaxseed

Process to Prepare:

Clean and dice the fruits into cubes and take all of the ingredients in a blender including yogurt and flaxseed. Churn or blend in for almost a minute until they become smooth. Enjoy.

Read: The Best Reason to Cook Your Own Dinner

5. Pineapple and Chia Seeds Milkshake for Weight Loss

Here comes the most nutritious milkshake made from chia seeds and pineapple!


  • 1 table spoon chia seeds
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon flaked coconut
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple
  • Half cup plain yogurt (or flavored if you want)

Ensure that you soak the chia seeds for overnight in the fridge so that it becomes soft er.

Process to Prepare:

Take all the ingredients in a clean blender and blend until smooth. Sip slowly as you will become full longer and feel more active.

Related: Top 10 Fruits To Burn Fat Fast

6. Green Grapes and Blue Berry Milkshake for Weight Loss


  • 1 cup washed grapes and blue berry (fresh or frozen as per your desire)
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • A dash of cinnamon to enhance flavour

Process to Prepare:

Blend all of these ingredients until smooth. Pour in a glass filled with ice and enjoy this healthy milkshake.

Read: Why Brown Rice Is A Must For Weight Loss

7. Yogurt, Avocado and Strawberry Milkshake for Weight Loss


  • 1 cup of avocado, strawberries, and low fat flavoured or plain yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
  • Ice cubes.

Process to Prepare:

Put all the fruits and yogurt in a blender and blend for a minute or two until smooth. Add ice cubes and cold pressed flaxseed oil. Blend for a minute. Enjoy.

8. Powerful Egg white and Almond Milkshake for Weight Loss

A weight loss shake for people who loves eggs and cannot live without them.


  • 1 scoop egg white protein powder
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • Ice cubes

Process to Prepare:

Mix all the ingredients for 1-2 minutes and this delicious low calorie milkshake will be ready to fill your stomach.

Read: This 21 Day Diet Has 3 Phases that Transform Your Body - Burn 12 to 23 Pounds of Fat!

9. Nutritious Oatmeal Milkshake for Weight Loss

Oatmeal and banana are both healthy and contain soluble fibre which helps you stay active as well as keep your heart healthy.


  • 1/4 cup of rolled oats or any flavoured oats
  • 1 peeled diced banana
  • Half cup low fat yogurt
  • Half cup almond milk
  • A pinch of cinnamon

Process to Prepare:

Blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Enjoy.

These milkshakes help keep you full until the next meals, thus preventing you from eating junk food and curbing the cravings as your stomach stays full for a long period of time.

Read: 12 Ways You Can Get Vitamin D Without The Sun

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