May 9th, 2018 • 7 min read
Last Updated: August 12th, 2018
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We've all asked these questions before: What's the best way to burn fat the fastest? Which exercises are the most efficient? Which ones burn the most calories? How many calories would I burn if I just do jumping jacks?
Well you walked into the right place because I'm going to fill you up with the answers that hopefully solves your concerns!
The names of each workout will be in headings followed by directions of how to perform the exercise and finally the how-to videos to conclude with each.
Squats are performed by using your own bodyweight or with additional weight. They target virtually all muscles in your legs while burning calories and contributes very well for weight loss.
If you've been to the gym a couple of times then I'm pretty sure you've probably heard of squats before. And if you were serious with getting fit at least once then you most definately have tried this exercise!
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Squats boost power for both jumping and sprinting which makes it one of my top priorities in the workouts list.
And did you know that squats burn a ridiculous amount of calories compared to many others?
For instance, if you weigh 160 lbs. and you take 15 minutes to complete your squats, you will burn approximately 230 calories.
If you received a different answer on the calculator following Christy's method, remember that the amount of calories you burn is formulated depending on the intensity of the exercise and your weight.
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For example, a 120-pound person doing squats for 15 minutes can burn 95 calories, and performing for an hour can burn 382 calories.
Here is a quick list I have put together showing more varieties of weight:
Pounds | Minutes | Calories Burned |
80 | 15 | 64 |
100 | 15 | 80 |
120 | 15 | 95 |
140 | 15 | 111 |
160 | 15 | 127 |
180 | 15 | 144 |
200 | 15 | 159 |
240 | 15 | 191 |
280 | 15 | 223 |
320 | 15 | 255 |
400 | 15 | 319 |
Related: 15 Amazing Things Happening To Your Body When Losing Weight
Position the bar behind your head, with the weight on your upper back.
Planks are one of those exercises that are a complete must for strengthening your core, as they take part in engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
But thats not all: They also tighten your stomach, improve flexibility, balance and posture, mood (Yes!), and lessen back pain.
If you're like me you've purposely left planks away from your exercise routines in the past. Why? Because they were overwhelming! I'm the type of person who may become paranoid if I don't see results, so after weeks of exercise and plenty of fitness articles I realized one day that I just had to start doing planks again---after learning the benefits coming from them.
When I started out it felt impossible to hold a plank longer than 40 seconds. However, after plenty of weeks passed I learned that it gets easier to hold longer over time.
Read: 9 Ways To Lose Weight Fast At Home Before Bedtime
The longer you hold a plank the more calories are being burned, as your body begins to struggle supporting your weight and firing all of its calorie-burning engines.
Burpees are one of the fastest calorie burners out there. But let me warn you: they're not easy!
To someone who is barely venturing into their fitness adventures, burpees may look a little strange. But they are really tough and can get your heart pounding very quickly. After a few burpees you will start sweating at a quick rate.
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Commonly introduced early stages into childhood, jumping jacks can slice calories quicker than you arrive at your gym!
According to Calorie Lab, doing jumping jacks for 15 minutes for someone who weighs exactly 100 pounds can burn 80 calories! But like every exercise listed, don't expect to be doing jumping jacks long enough to be burning the calories you wish for all at once! I recommend combining all of these exercises with others for a balanced circuit workout. Not only will the calorie burning continue long after your workout ends but you'll also acquire all of the benefits without hurting yourself.
Jumping jacks engage all of your muscles at the same time: upper body, abs, legs, and of course your whole cardiovascular system. They are the perfect warm-up activity, as they help you loosen up at the beginning of a workout!
Mountain climbers are one of the most effective exercises I know. It's a full body workout!
When performing mountain climbers your heart rate goes up really fast. This exercise fires up nearly every muscle group in the body: deltoids, chest, obliques, biceps, hamstrings, abdominals, quads, triceps, and even the hip abductors!
According to Tanya Siejhi Gershon, mountain climbers are peat the action with your other knee.
We've all ran a mile before, i'm sure.
It's easy to look at this exercise and think: Oh, that looks easy and fun! Its like running! It's actually a lot more challenging than one would think and the tension is a lot different. In addition it also works a lot more muscles than one expects. When performing correctly, you'll feel lots of tension coming from your legs, arms, and abs.
Related: 7 Exercises To Burn Fat With Resistance Bands
When you lift your leg high in front of you, your abs have to activate to support its weight. So not only is your leg working to move itself, your whole core is working to help it.
Like jumping jacks, high knees are both a great warm-up and a great cardio burst in a total body workout. One minute of high knees–working your very hardest–will burn about 8 calories. Not as many as mountain climbers, but a pretty good burn for such a simple exercise!
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