This Trick Can Make You Eat Less

June 21st, 2018 3 min read

Last Updated: August 12th, 2018

This Trick Can Make You Eat Less

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Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. —Guillaume Apollinaire

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Most of the people suffering from being overweight often blame their greedy appetite and admit their guilt of their love for food.

We all know that eating correctly and regular exercise are two crucial steps to weight loss. And when eating correctly, portion control is the most important step, which clearly isn’t easy as it involves more mindful eating and avoiding common signs of overeating.

Read on to know the one trick which can stop you from overeating.

According to a study conducted at the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, spending time in a dirty and cluttered kitchen may increase your calorie intake by as many as two times. The results of the study were published in Journal Environment and Behaviour.

The research included 98 female participants that were divided into two groups. One group was asked to write about the time they felt their life was out of control while the other group was asked to write about the time when they felt their life was in control.

After they completed, half of the participants were asked to wait in the kitchen which was dirty and chaotic, while the other half waited in a clean kitchen. In addition, both of the kitchens had bowls of cookies and salads.

After 10 minutes, the women who wrote about the time that they felt their life was out of control ate 53 more calories than the women who entered the clean kitchen.

Related: 10 Ways You Can Fight Against Food Cravings

“Being in a cluttered and chaotic environment and feeling out of control is bad for any diet," says the lead author of the study. The chaotic environment around you makes you one (out of control and chaotic) and makes you binge and thus overeat.

Women who wrote about feeling in control ate approximately 100 calories lesser in the cluttered kitchen than those who were feeling stressed and writing about the same. So, cleaning is one of the easiest tricks to eat less and healthy. Learn how to live a healthier, more natural life with remedies you can make at home with Everyday Roots, a 350+ page book written by Claire Goodall, teaching you to take control of your lifestyle by showing you how to make your own chemical-free household and beauty products. You'll find remedies to help you in achieving weight loss, relieve nausea, cold sores, treating arthritis, the list goes on. You'll learn how to make your own homemade laundry detergents, toothpaste, fabric softeners, and more! Don't miss it.

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Another study found that doing household chores encourages a state of mindfulness which reduced stress and improves overall well-being.

So, next time do not delay in scrubbing your utensils after you eat. Also, nothing can beat a healthy diet and regular exercise when you want to lose weight, but these small tricks and tips sometimes work wonders and accelerate your weight loss plan. And there is no harm in trying if it has no side effects.

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