How To Lose And Burn Belly Fat Fast

June 6th, 2018 2 min read

Last Updated: August 12th, 2018

How To Lose And Burn Belly Fat Fast

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Let’s talk about everyone’s favorite subject: fat loss. We all have stubborn areas on our body where we would love to see progress, but for some reason the fat just continues to haunt us!

Unfortunately there is no magic pill that is going to make your fat just disappear within a couple of days. But there are lots of things you can do to shrink and make it disappear overtime solely from your own effort–and once you’ve figured out the perfect combo for your body, you can start to see some results.!

Why Does Belly Fat Not Go Away?

There are so many reasons that your belly fat isn't going anywhere. The first questions you should ask yourself are these:

  1. What are you putting into your body?
  2. What are you doing with your body?

If you are putting junk into your body, your body is going to kind of feel like junk! Belly fat can start to shrink when your diet is on point with your ideal goal. In a moment, we will go over clean eating options.

Read: 10 Top Health Benefits of Grapefruit

If you aren’t working out regularly your body will not make much progress. However, even people who work out regularly don’t always see fat loss! That could be because the workouts aren’t doing their job anymore. Maybe you aren’t giving it your all or your workouts aren’t diverse enough for belly fat loss results. We’ll go over the best workouts for fat loss in just a moment.

What to Eat to Lose Belly Fat ?

Processed foods and sugars are not going to help you lose belly fat. Sugary sodas and high fat burgers or chips will only stunt your progress, so cut those out quick. Clean eating is the best way to lose belly fat – I’m talking veggies at every meal and drinking lots of water!

Try to fill your diet up with these clean choices:

  • Fatty fish, like salmon and tuna
  • Eggs
  • Grapefruit
  • Green tea
  • Berries
  • Lean meat, like turkey
  • Whey protein

Read: 5 Ways Sleep Can Help Slim Your Body

Workouts to Lose Belly Fat

We gotta get your body moving and sweating! Your workouts don’t have to be the same every single day–in fact, you should be switching things up.

If you’re looking to try something new, try out a high intensity interval workout, or HIIT. The idea is to push yourself really hard for one short interval, take a short break, and then go at it again. 20 minutes of HIIT workouts per day could help you see some belly fat loss progress!

Related: 11 Best Exercises To Diminish The Fat Around Your Belly

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