Weight Loss Tips To Keep In Mind

April 25th, 2018 7 min read

Last Updated: August 12th, 2018

Weight Loss Tips To Keep In Mind

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A good plan to have when you are trying to lose weight or on a diet plan it is important to constantly acknowledge and follow an established check list which is destined to help you reach your goal. This goes for anything, not just for losing weight. When you follow a check list and are making sure that you follow through with the things listed it brings additional benefits in the outcomes.

record keeping

For example, you can be hitting two birds with one stone if you were planning to keep a record of your progress --- you have the benefits of being more organized and keeping a record. A record can be very impacting. After reachinig your goal there is a huge motivation boost to keep you going further once the goal is met. Following a check list will help you find out what works, what doesn't work, what you will need to improve on, and what you need to work on. People end up being on another healthy diet right afterwards. When 3 months passes and no progress was made I assure you that you had not been following through with the things you had kept in your check list.

There are a handful of weight loss tips to keep in mind that you just can’t ignore when trying to get slim. And scientific studies have constantly been backing them up.

Read: 10 Astonishing Diet Rules Backed By Science

Some of the common questions that people ask themselves when trying to lose weight are things like "Should I just remove fats from my diet?", or "Should I add on more weights to my strength training, or should I do some more cardio?"

It is normal to be asking yourselves these questions. It means you are struggling and caring about your health. It means you want to be better. Losing weight is not an easy task. That's because there are so many things involved that affects weight loss. And half the time it means you have to sacrifice what you are currently doing in order to acquire the results.

For example, if you're already consuming lots of sugar then start considering to cut down on your sugar intake which can be making it hard for you to lose weight. Lots of sugar also makes it hard to reduce body fat.

Here are important weight loss tips to keep in mind that are backed by scientific studies:

Focus on healthy whole foods

whole foods

We see on advertisements and commercials of new diets / supplements that promise attracting weight loss benefits. But in reality the best diet anyone should follow is to consume foods that are consistently healthy for your body --- its that simple. This includes whole grain and lean protein as well.

You are probably already hearing this every day: Eat your vegetables and fruits. I used to brush it off when my mother used to tell me that. Most of us had probably taken our mother's words for granted before. It happens. Want To Start Clean-Eating? Here Are 6 Ways To Start

Note: If you want to try a new strategy to approach weight loss, Liz Swann Miller invented the new Red Tea Detox program proven to improve weight loss and reduce weight by burning unneeded pounds from our bodies---switching from carbohydrate fat burning to high-octane burning.

It is based on over a decade of medical research revolving around the cleansing of toxins and the benefits of African red tea. However, there is much more to it than that. The program is very thorough and divided into three parts that help each other: diet, exercise, and mindset. Go there now or follow the button below. I WANT TO TRY

(Note: You can issue a refund if this has not worked out for you)

According to a recent study from the American Dietetic Association, simply just increasing your vegetable and fruit intake can help you lose weight a lot faster. In addition, a protein-rich diet could potentially lead to twice as much weight loss than a moderate one.

If you find it hard to follow this tip because fruits and vegetables don't fill you up as much, try eating apples. I found that apples are one of the most effective fruits in keeping my stomach full for a reasonable period of time.

So, avoid processed foods and stick with whole foods as much as you can!

Don't just put 100% of your physical activities inside the gym

outside gym

As adults we tend to mesh all of our physical activity time spent inside the gym. But it turns out this way of productivity is a reverse psychology of what our minds perceive the reality to be. We are used to hearing things like "it's recommend to exercise at least 30 minutes a day" which is great, you should exercise at least 30 minutes a day. But just because you have accomplished your 30 minutes of exercise does not mean your body will progress consistently the next 24 hours. If you want to lose weight fast, spread your physical activities throughout your day so that your body is being consistently worked.

Related: You Can Still Lose Weight By Working Out Only In The Weekends

So besides the time you spend in the gym, you should try and spread more time of moderate physical activity every week outside of your gym times.

Don't know where to start? Try some of these:

  • Sports (Tennis, basketball, etc)
  • Bicycling
  • Hiking
  • Shopping
  • Sight-seeing / Nature walking
  • Walk your dog
  • Gardening
  • Pokemon GO
  • Golf

Sleep will make you or break you (let it make you)

no sleep

Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more.

So if you are thinking about going on a diet, you might want to plan an earlier bedtime too.

Researchers at the University of Chicago found that dieters who were well rested lost more fat (56% of their weight loss) than those who were sleep deprived, who lost more muscle mass. (They shred similar amounts of total weight regardless of sleep.)

Related: 9 Ways You Can Literally Lose Weight In Your Sleep

Dieters in the study also felt hungrier when they were getting less sleep.

"Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same sectors of the brain," Dr. Rapoport says. "When you are sleepy, certain hormones go up in your blood, and those same hormones drive appetite." Sleepless nights and weight gain go hand in hand, so in order to kick-start your new diet and exercising regime properly, you should stop compromising your sleep. And this doesn’t mean you should start sleeping twelve hours a night either. You should just make an effort to consistently get seven to eight hours of sleep, which is within the range for adults.

When you're beginning to feel full, is when you should think about stopping


When you start getting that feeling of satiety during a meal, that’s your body sending you a signal that you had enough food. However, most people tend to keep eating a little longer --- this is where they begin packing in unnecessary food into their stomachs. This can sometimes be called "emotional eating", which causes the person to ignore those signals.

I would try to become more aware of the emotional overeating if I were to be under the influence of it --- if this habit happens on a regular basis I may even forget what the signal even feels like because I would be so used to ignoring it.

Related: Overeating makes it harder to lose weight. Here's how to stop overeating

Today, we have so much food and so many chances to eat that knowing when to stop eating is an essential skill.

People out there are literally killing themselves with too much food. It is so sad :( )

But remember, in the end, you have to start realizing when you’re full. In the past my mother had told me to stop eating so quickly because I would gain weight. I didn't thoroughly chew. My doctor said I was overweight. Find out why eating too fast may be one of the leading drivers of weight gain. My advice would be to eat a little, wait for a few minutes and if you’re still genuinely hungry, continue eating. And if not, just stop eating put the rest of your lunch in the fridge. Simple as that.

Stress less


While it may be easier said than done, you have to be aware that if you want to shred those extra pounds, you need to minimize your stress levels.

A recent study from the Obesity Journal examined the correlation of stress of body weight and discovered that people with higher cortisol levels actually weigh more.

Related: 18 Really Effective Ways To Lose Weight

Therefore, you need to increase your daily activities and maybe even start practicing meditation in order to de-stress yourself.

Following these weight-loss guidelines won’t be easy – but in the end your health and physique is the golden reward that you benefit from it.

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