It May Be Harder For Shorter People To Lose Weight

June 24th, 2018 2 min read

Last Updated: August 12th, 2018

It May Be Harder For Shorter People To Lose Weight

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When it comes to losing weight, not everyone is created equal. Some may find it easier to lose weight while others may find it very difficult. The reason can be from a variety of factors including weight, age, hormone health, sleep patterns, eating habits and even your height.

Yes, height is also one of the factors that impacts your weight loss progress. Read on to know how being tall or short can impact how fast or slow you lose weight.

Related: 6 Eating Rules For Faster Weight Loss

If you are short and have similar overall health and same activity level as your taller friend, he/she can eat more and still lose more weight than you. Isn't it ridiculous?

This may sound absurd but the logic is sound. The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism works. The faster the metabolism, the more calories you burn.

Taller people are born with more muscle mass simply because of their height. The lean muscle mass decides how many calories you can burn while you are at rest, this is called BMR. The more lean muscle mass you have, the higher is the BMR and the more calories you burn. Physical activity level definitely plays a major role in the number of calories you burn but having higher BMR is a plus point when it comes to losing weight.

Read: Recommendations to Decide on a Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan

Another factor that impacts your weight loss plan is how much weight you start with. If you start with less weight, it’s hard for you to lose it. That is why it is easier for a person weighing 100 kgs to lose weight than a person weighing 70 kgs. The same logic can be applied to why you lose weight easily when you start with a weight loss plan than when you are about to achieve your goal.

But it's not that simple.

Not only shorter people have to eat less than their taller friends to lose the same amount of weight, there are several others factors that determine the number of calories you can burn in a day. Diet, exercise, sleep and hormones are some important factors that have a direct relation with weight loss. With The Red Tea Detox Program, you can strip off 5, 10, 15 pounds of fat or more. And if you want to lose even more weight, keep repeating the program until you reach your goal.

Read: The 6 Worst Things You Do After Gaining Weight

So, short people should no more feel sad as apart from height there are other factors that can help short people to lose weight easily. They can eat right and increase their metabolism by exercising. Eating right and exercising is completely in your hands. Another advantage that shorter people have is that they can burn the same amount of calories by doing same exercise for the same amount of time as compared to their taller counterparts.

Here's a tip:

Shorter people can do strength training and develop more muscle mass, which in turn will help them burn the same number of calories as their taller counterparts.

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