12 Ways to Lose Weight Without Working Out

June 3rd, 2018 4 min read

Last Updated: August 11th, 2018

12 Ways to Lose Weight Without Working Out

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The question isn’t can you, it’s will you. —Anonymous

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Exercise is a go-to method when it comes to weight loss, and for good reason: it has a positive effect on the entire body and there are as many ways to exercise as there are parts of the body.

When considering ways to lose weight, exercise should be an important and easy option, such as these total body transformation exercises and equipment-free exercises.

However, not everyone is able to exercise, and some may rely on other methods in order to lose weight.

Fortunately, there are plenty of other methods to employ. While many of them have to do with controlling your diet, some methods might come as a surprise!

Here are thirteen ways to lose weight without working out:

Eat less.

Controlling the amount you eat cannot be understated when it comes to weight loss. Whether you count calories or simply skip that second helping of spaghetti, cutting down on the amount you eat is the simplest and easiest way to lose weight.

Related: 14 Eating Mistakes That Make You Gain Weight

Keep a food journal.

Keeping track of what we eat makes us more aware of our eating habits, and has been proven to help facilitate weight loss. Set aside a few minutes after every meal and snack to record what you’ve eaten in the journal. Review your info every once in a while and compare it from week to week.

Related: 9 Best Morning Habits to Lose Weight

Substitute healthy snacks.

Snacking between meals can help prevent overeating at mealtime, but if the snacks are salty or sugary junk, they may do more harm than good for your body. Munching on granola or fresh fruits and veggies is a great way to stop the hunger pangs and eat healthy between large meals.

Switch from coffee to tea.

Coffee is seen as an indispensable part of an early morning routine, but its alternative, tea, is far healthier as a morning drink. Leave out the cream and sugar, and tea is very close to being flavored water. Here are 5 Teas You Should Drink To Boost Weight Loss.

Drink more water.

Speaking of water, it’s an irreplaceable part of our lives, We should aim to drink 64 ounces of water a day. When trying to lose weight, swapping out the sugars and fats of other drinks for plain, filling water is one of the best things to do. Need more ideas? Read 9 Ways to Drink More Water.

Related: 10 Positive Benefits Drinking Enough Water Will Bring To Your Body

Don’t skip meals.

It may seem like a good idea, but don’t do it. Breakfast is the usual ignored meal, and starting the day with no energy in the tank is asking for the day to go poorly. Do not skip meals, even if you have to force down a piece of fruit for breakfast. Your body with thank you.

Cut out unhealthy fats and carbohydrates.

Not all fats and carbs are bad for you; some can even help with weight loss. Avoiding the simple carbohydrates and processed fats – such as in sugar and butter – is a simple way to improve how and what we consume.

Read: 15 Foods To Diminish Belly Fat

Eat more vegetables.

Mothers around the world don’t harp on about vegetables for no reason. Vegetables are packed with nutrients and low on calories, making them a staple for weight loss. Their versatility allows them to serve as parts of a main meal or a simple snack.

Add more protein to your diet.

Sources of protein range from meats to eggs to beans to nuts. The wide variety of sources mean protein can be added to a diet in many places, and that even those with dietary restrictions will be able to squeeze more in. This essential nutrient should not be ignored, and filling up on it will leave less room for more empty calories. Feeling some protein smoothies? Try these Deliciously Filling High-Protein Smoothies to Help With Weight Loss.

Eat clean

Processed foods can be filled with extra calories and preservatives that can inhibit weight loss. Clean eating cuts out processed ingredients where possible, making for a simpler, and thus healthier, diet. Want To Start Clean-Eating? Here Are 6 Ways To Start.

Get enough sleep.

A proper sleep schedule is essential to being healthy and can also help keep off the pounds. As examined here, sleeping regularly keeps a body functioning regularly, and a body clinging to fat out of tiredness will have a harder time losing weight than a properly-rested body. Read these 5 Ways Sleep Can Help Slim Your Body.

Related: 9 Ways You Can Literally Lose Weight In Your Sleep

Try the Red Tea Detox Program

Note: If you want to try a new method to approach weight loss, Liz Swann Miller invented a new Red Tea Detox program that was proven to improve weight loss and reduce weight by burning unneeded pounds from our bodies by switching from carbohydrate fat burning to high-octane burning. Red Detox Tea by Liz Swann Miller It is based on over a decade of medical research revolving around the cleansing of toxins and the benefits of African red tea. However, there is much more to it than that. The program is very thorough and divided into three parts that help each other: diet, exercise, and mindset. Go there now.
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