August 21st • 3 min read
In western cultures like ours, countries like the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and other European nations, what’s the first thing that anybody thinks of or tells you whenever the idea of weight loss is brought up? You’ve got to hit the treadmill, exercise bike or the streets and burn those calories! On the surface of it, this makes sense, right…
August 20th • 6 min read
You're probably thinking "How in the world is mindful eating supposed to help me lose weight?" Well, those who are familiar with the term probably once asked themselves that question. But don't roll your eyes too quickly. Research supports mindful eating as one of the leading causes in weight gain. A recent review by researchers found that…
August 19th • 5 min read
What?! Another diet?! Yes, this time we'll be talking about the morning banana diet and how we can use it simply for weight loss. But how does it work? Well, first of all, although its called the banana diet, bananas won't be the only thing you'll be eating when you're on this diet plan! There's a bit of history behind the morning banana diet and…
August 18th • 9 min read
The watermelon diet is not only tasty, it also helps you lose weight and detox your body. But the best part about that is that this diet is simple to follow! There are different varieties of the watermelon diet, but the most popular one is the 3 day watermelon diet in which the dieter simply eats nothing but watermelon for 3 days to lose weight…
August 17th • 6 min read
You've realized that recently your arms are looking soft and flabby especially when you tried on your favorite strapless dress. Having some excess fat on your arms can cause you to be self-conscious about even thinking to show off your upper body for a second. But it's not your fault! The world isn't over. Although it isn't possible to…
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