
Here Are 16 Ways To Lose Weight Fast

June 17th 6 min read

From Zumba to yoga to ditching junk food, these simple lifestyle changes will help you lose 10, 30, even 50 pounds! Jessica Girdwain's fantastic list of 16 ways to lose weight fast is composed of useful tips coming from readers who knocked off 10, 25, even 60 pounds with some easy tweaks. Borrow their slim-down secrets to transform your body the…

5 Ways Sleep Can Help Slim Your Body

June 16th 6 min read

When you want to slim down, the plan probably looks a bit like this: Step one, toss out the junk food; step two, pull out the running shoes; and step three, renew that gym membership (and actually use it). But a growing body of evidence suggests that getting a good night’s sleep should be on—or at least near—the top of the list. Few experts would…

Here's What Happens To Your Body When You Skip Breakfast

June 15th 4 min read

It’s a hotly contested question in the nutrition world: is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? Experts say that people who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat the rest of the day, but recent studies have found no difference in weight between those who skip their morning meal and those who don’t. In the meantime, skipping…

How to Lose Weight Other Than Eating Less

June 15th 4 min read

When it comes to losing weight , the most important rule of thumb is to consume fewer calories than you’re taking in each day. But cutting calories doesn’t have to mean eating less food. In fact, simply focusing on healthier food choices may be a more sustainable weight-loss strategy than trying to reduce portion sizes, a new Penn State University…

Studies Suggest Freezing Hunger Signals Might Be Useful For Weight Loss

June 15th 3 min read

In a new pilot study, doctors have shown that freezing the nerve that carries hunger signals to the brain may be able to lower a person’s appetite and help them lose weight . Dieting is difficult, and most people who try it don’t sustain it for long. In an alternative approach to weight loss, Dr. David Prologo, an interventional radiologist from…

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