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Research Suggests Focusing On What You Eat Promotes Weight Loss

June 22nd 3 min read

The complexity of weight loss goes way beyond our expectations. It would probably take thousands of years until we have established a firm understsanding of how the human body is linked to weight loss. And we are constantly been told that in order to lose weight we must take it easy on the calorie intake. (But just not go aggressive with cutting…

You Should Not Completely Avoid Carbs For Weight Loss. Heres Why

June 22nd 4 min read

The talks of carbs have recently been rising for people who are looking for tips to lose weight. Surprisingly there have been articles that attempt to persuade readers into thinking that carbs are bad . While there are some downsides to consuming carbs, it is not a smart idea to avoid them completely . Experts are advocating the need to ditch…

This Trick Can Make You Eat Less

June 21st 3 min read

Most of the people suffering from being overweight often blame their greedy appetite and admit their guilt of their love for food. We all know that eating correctly and regular exercise are two crucial steps to weight loss . And when eating correctly, portion control is the most important step, which clearly isn’t easy as it involves more mindful…

Why Brown Rice Is A Must For Weight Loss

June 21st 4 min read

Weight loss is a very complex topic, which is why there are so many articles and studies out there that try to seal in the gap between true and false about how to lose weight fast. One thing we all probably know is that weight loss means adjusting your lifestyle to burn more calories than you take in each day. Brown rice is a moderate source of…

10 Positive Benefits Drinking Enough Water Will Bring To Your Body

June 20th 7 min read

Many studies and research have made this clear enough: Staying hydrated is one of the healthiest habits you can adopt. Here are all of the ways that both your body and brain will get better when drinking enough water---benefiting your daily goals: You will feel more energetic The cells throughout your body need water to function, so it is important…

15 Amazing Things Happening To Your Body When Losing Weight

June 20th 11 min read

You can get many health benefits from losing pounds. But you don't have to lose a ridiculous amount of pounds to see some amazing changes happen to your body---from your energy levels to your love life, or to your daily habits. According to the NHS you have a higher risk of these bullet points if you are obese or overweight: High Blood Pressure…

This Study Reveals A Dogs Behavior Can Reveal A Lot About Weight Loss

June 20th 2 min read

There have been sufficient studies on obesity and how it affects the human body, as well as research. But ever wondered why some people are more likely to be obese than others? Well, a recent study on dog behavior has given us some more insight to this mystery. Scientists in Budapest, Hungary asked volunteers to bring in their pet dogs, which…

12 Superfoods Every Man Needs in His Diet To Get Healthier

June 19th 7 min read

Adding these top disease-fighting, fat-blasting foods to your diet can make a huge impact on your physical and mental health as well as weight loss. Do yourself a very important favor and read the positive benefits of the superfoods listed in this article! The first step to healthy living starts with putting these foods in your diet. Immediately…

A Step Further Into Food Addictions: How Do Food Addictions Work?

June 19th 7 min read

If you've ever tried to cut back on junk food, you may have came to the conclusion that it’s easier said than done. People tend to get cravings when the brain starts calling for these foods---its engraved into them as they're just humans. Even though people’s rational, conscious mind "knows" that they are unhealthy, some other part of the brain…

Here are 15 Super Foods You Should Be Eating For The Summer

June 19th 4 min read

Take advantage of summer’s seasonal bounty by adding these nutritional powerhouses to your warm-weather diet. Basil This fragrant herb takes center stage when added to any summer dish, but it flies under the radar when it comes to its impressive nutrition content. “If you have a garden full of basil, savor it for more than its flavor! Basil has…

11 Simple Substitutions for Dramatic Weight Loss

June 18th 6 min read

Simple substitutions can add up big time in the long term. Switch up your soup Instead of dishing up a cup of cream of broccoli soup, which has 180 calories and 7 grams of fat, choose a bowl of chicken vegetable soup instead. You get just 75 calories and under 3 grams of fat for the same-size serving. Save 105 calories and 4 g of fat. Related :…

14 Subtle but Powerful Health Benefits of Exercising Other Than Losing Weight

June 18th 8 min read

Most people start working out to get fit and lose weight, but regular physical activity can also prevent and treat serious medical problems. Therefore a lot of the positive benefits from exercising become unnoticed. Going to the gym means a lot more than losing a few pounds. Here are the positive health benefits that are really beneficial to us: It…






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